

Hi, I’m Florencia, and I’m the blogger and photographer behind Eat This Grass. I wish I could write about how I grew up watching my mother and grandmother work their magic in the kitchen and how I got hooked from an early age on cooking, but those two remarkable women couldn’t boil an egg and passed on to me how to tactfully avoid cooking at all cost. 

 A couple of years ago after having a conversation with one of my dearest friends about my dream of becoming an amazing vegan chef in my next life, she asked, “Why wait?” I decided to set foot into the kitchen for the first time in my life — and I have been there ever since. Quickly, I became passionate about cooking, molding, and veganizing recipes into my own liking. 

 Having been vegan for more than 10 years, I’ve been asked too many times, “What do you eat? Grass?” And the answer is “yes, I do eat mostly plants.” I’d love to show you with this blog the type of plants that vegans eat. I’m living proof that if I can cook, anybody can. This blog is about sharing my love for food with easy, healthy, and delicious recipes. 

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